“I am not what happened to me. I am what I choose to become.” Carl Jung
Do you feel powerless or worthless in your life?
Do you feel overwhelmed by your emotions?
Are you concerned about your relationships with others?
Are you stressed, anxious or depressed?
Do you find it hard to trust anyone?
Do you feel dissatisfied with your life?
You do not have to feel this way for the rest of your life.
You can free yourself from negative emotions.
Your relationships can improve, growing richer, deeper and more intimate.
You can learn to manage your emotions.
You can learn to trust.
You can feel happy.
Hello, and welcome. My aim is to provide you with an environment that is safe, non-judgmental and secure offering you the opportunity to speak freely, feel heard and make positive changes.
Finding the right Therapist who works in a way that suits you is key to a successful outcome, for individuals I offer an initial half hour complimentary session where we can meet to discuss your needs with no obligation. See below for couples initial consultation.
I am also able to offer sessions via Teams & Zoom
If after exploring my website you have further questions I can be contacted on 07876 566269 or email juliettemwillett@gmail.com
Practice address: ICOM, Van Buren House, Green Hedges Avenue, East Grinstead, West Sussex, RH191DZ
Following our initial consultation my rates are as follows:
From January 2024 £63 per individual session (50 minutes).
£45 initial consultation for couples (60 minutes)
£70 per couples session (60 minutes)
£100 extended couples session (90 minutes)
Juliette Willett 07876 566269